Friday, June 25, 2010


Alright... I've already had some run-ins with these mother fuckers at MY bar over religion. FYI, I didn't start it. I wore a BR tee and they wanted to talk shit. I was nice and non-confrontational about it. That was two or three weeks ago. Trying to be the nice guy and not end up in a fight, which is what they really wanted, I just said, "No, I don't believe in god and it's just a band shirt anyways" and then I walked away. I've avoided them since just because I don't want to smash my beer glass against either one of their faces. I go to the patio later to smoke a cig. Mother fucker asks me if I was gay. I responded politely as I normally try to, "No, I'm not. What the fuck do you care?" Then, a "bar friend friend's" passed out on the patio. We apparently know the same regulars... I'm trying to be cool with them. They were cool, in front of "X" girl. I try to be nice in general. I don't like to start dumb shit. 30 min or more have passed and she got him to leave. I hope he didn't drive but that's not my business. I close out and am leaving... I ask those two fucks who are already trying to hit on women WAY out of their league about what's going on. I ask them if "X" made it home okay or of "X" took him home. All they did was talk shit to me because I was blocking the view of some other woman who's entirely out of their league.

Dear R-tard Douchebags,

You are both still going home together. You are not getting laid. You tried to dress up "nice" (you still looked like people who WANTED to go to UTD but didn't get accepted) for the cheapest, most "ghetto" bar in NORTH DALLAS (as you always do)! You two are such complete douchebags. I really hope you fucked your car up (at minimum up, death would be premier). I would probably "lol" if you died in a car wreck (so long as others were not hurt). Out of respect for my local dive and not being arrested by the police on sight, I would have loved to smash any object against your fucking face. You mother fuckers are about to learn that it's MY bar. I'm cool even still, because I know you're cousin is on the other side of my line for customer service. I am a patient, forgiving person... But it is like baseball. Three strikes and you're out. Not just out, though. Out like there's blood streaming from your temple and you're laid out... And no one cares. Because we all hate you. Really... We do...

Friday, June 11, 2010

A Quick Fuck You to A&M

A&M... I'm still fucking pissed at you. You better make the right decision (and there's only one). You can partially redeem yourselves by explaining something about your r-tard idea of joining the SEC, and then explaining why you even deserve to be with the rest of us when you make the right decision to join us. You were on my good list for two days. I thought I even had some respect. Clearly, I was just wasn't thinking enough. That's my bad.

"Seriously considering" joining the SEC... Fuck you. This Texas break-up will be entirely your fault. Texas didn't break up the Big 12. Nebraska did (which is fine!). We just followed in line... (AND WE TRIED TO INCLUDE EVERYONE!) And now you want to act like this? Yeah... Fuck you. You may be on my shit list for the rest of my life regardless of Pac-10 or not. You better show up and show up strong, assholes... Pac-16 D-bags! Join or don't. You ARE on my shit list from here on out. How rough I want to be entirely depends on your next step... Do NOT fuck this up! It's become personal.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

almost done...

Well.. Where do I start? I don't know... Tonight, I learned a best friend of mine bought a gun. He bought this for self-defense. I can see this. I have no problem with him wanting to defend himself. The idea that he bought and feels a need for it, does not bother me. What bothers me is, that there could be a need for it. This is not his fault. Society, has failed all of us. We are our own demonic force of evil. The fact that anyone needs a gun to protect oneself, is pretty fucked... We do not live in the ghetto (me and the friend). We do not live in "high crime" neighborhoods. You never know, though... Crime is wherever such suspect wants to go. I can see his viewpoint and the possibility of necessity of it. Better the working class citizen live rather than the fuck who tried to rob, rape, or murder anyone in my home!

Sad though, that in what should be a progressing generation of people, it gets worse. Terrible. Sickening! Fuck, what tangent do I go off on from here? Do I go off on the low life fucks who would rather steal and hurt someone else for their own benefit? No. Because if you're reading this, you're not one of them. Has society failed them? Partially. It could be better, but there are more options now than ever to improve your life and well-being. Unfortunate that this way of life is glamorized in some cases.

Next question may be a bit more "controversial." I don't think it is. At all... But there are those who will argue. And they should because it's a great argument. Better them than me? Well, in most cases, yes. I, he, and most of those I chose to hangout with, get close to, or even just chill for a beer, are smarter and have a deeper (much deeper) respect for human life, people, ethics, and morality than most. Funny how many of these people are agnostic/atheist... Religion? Hello? Are you there? Oh, yeah... There you are! Making it worse! With your hate against anyone who doesn't believe what you do!

Anyways, you can argue any of the points above... Regardless of your argument and outcome... What is life worth? Is life worth living to live and do nothing but live? Help this and that, but no real contribution to society... Life for "God?" Yeah... Sure... I'll live out my days in HOPES that there is something "greater" and I will be "rewarded" for it. *cough* BULLSHIT *cough* I could volunteer a lot and help out that way, but then I wouldn't have a roof above my head either... Sickens me... Where the fuck do my taxes go?! Roads and jails... (THIS is a WHOLE other topic that deserves attention!)

And so the agnostic/atheist has no children and works his whole life. Hoped he could make a difference somehow, somewhere, but didn't make enough to. He had to survive! Well... Then what was life worth? What was the point? Religion makes life "worth" something because you are supposedly "rewarded" in the end. Well, religion is such bullshit to begin with. And to live by it and think you're okay because you did "your best" by your interpretation? Yeah, go fuck yourself. If I had a child, it would to be in hopes of him trying to make a true difference. Understanding life is fucked, help people, and that's the best you can do. What have I done? I feel like nothing...

Now, I'm about to go to bed so I can show up for work. I have a job where I am GROSSLY underpaid, say yes'sir no'sir, and be "happy" for the paycheck. I do appreciate a job, and a paycheck, and not having to deal with more problems than I have to... But that doesn't do anything for society, that doesn't do anything to progress it, and to me, than it does nothing for me. It lets me live... Kind of.

So what's next for me? Us? Who knows. Sometimes I think I keep myself alive just to find out. I don't see any real reason to stay alive. I won't get to have children, I won't have a meaningful job, and I won't get to do anything I'm passionate about. That's my fault. I didn't see the reality of my future... But if I feel this way at 25, how many youths out there feel this way? They're the future! I fucked mine up... I own that, but I should be able to show that to others, too... I'm lost. Show me the way or life just isn't worth anything. Living for our own self-interest is... well... selfish. How can I help at this point?

I'm sure there are plenty of arguments against me. I'm also sure there are many arguments against those arguments! I am interested in hearing all of them. Though, I may scream, kick, and fight against some of them... I want to hear them. Very interested in everyone's viewpoint. If anyone sees or responds to this, please, keep the bloodshed somewhat minimal. But there could be bloodshed and I kind of look forward to it...

Friday, February 26, 2010


Finally! After many months have passed, I had forgotten my password. I'm too drunk and pissed off to need that kind of bullshit. Whatever the fuck, though. That has passed. I haven't written in months. As you can see from previous posts, I do not care to write formally. If you want paragraphs, correct punctuation, or grammar... contact an editor. Though, you will have to pay for it, because I can't and won't.

There's a lot I want to bitch and moan about tonight. Lucky for you, I'm too tired and drunk to do so. But I do want to bitch about he vagina hungry fucks at the bar. You, and by "you" I mean" you fucking douchebag tools of a mother fucking cunt piece of shit that should have your 'balls' grinded in a fucking blender by a tranny, who wants nothing more than your blood and semen," kind of person.

Let's see how far my tired ass makes tonight. First off... I get that men are just a big bag of cum sometimes. A lot of men will give anything and everything, for a simple lay. IMHO, that is fucking weak. Not only are you doubting yourself and your standards, you, in your own mind, put women below you. That is weak. Very weak. You may ask, "Dustin, why is that weak? That's what young men do! They want to just get laid, etc. etc. etc." (and it goes on of this kind of bullshit diarrhea spewing from their mouth/cock/brain.)

Now, I'm not trying to say I'm completely different, or "holier-than-thou." I AM saying that, going to a bar, being demeaning, gross, and a fucking prick to women is sick. This fucking piece of shit tool next to me at the bar tonight, completely pissed me off. There was a woman, not my type, but a woman at the bar. I wouldn't (and can't remember word for word) the kind of shit he was saying to her, but it was degrading and fucked up. I was offended (and it is not easy to offend me). She seemed used to this kind of bullshit, though. She seemed strong and seemed to let it roll some-what off of her back. Good for her! However, I wanted to smash my glass, even though it would spill my beer (FUCK THAT'D PISS ME OFF), into his fucking face! This motherfucker thought he was the shit! So demeaning... So arrogant... So full of himself... He was possibly the biggest douche I've seen in a while! He must have been since I'm writing somewhat about it, and I never write anymore...

Now, I wanted to continue on a fucking tirade tonight. Lucky for you, it is late and I am tired...


Instead, I will take my MANY other complaints to bed. They will not go to the grave, though. Anyone and everyone who knows me, knows that when I start going, I don't stop. I posted earlier on FB I needed a new hobby. I think I will attempt some musical instruments again. Maybe I'll try to get back into writing/blogging/whatever-the-fuck again. It may be here, it may be there. I don't know. I don't really recall everywhere I've wrote/blogged/etc. FUCK! I want to go on... This wasn't very satisfying. If you wanna hear me bitch more, you know how to get a hold of me.

Fuck you very much,
Dustin Maxwell

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

fuck everything

Alright I don't remember my blog log in, so you will have to deal with it here. Work pisses me off sometimes. Especially when I am trying to stop smoking... But what angers me more is YOU "America." Freedom? Hardly. Freedom to those who pay. I pay fucking taxes and I don't make shit. I make under 20k a year. Yet, when I have a good conversation with a guy who works hard to eat and sleep and STILL has to pay $8 for a bed at the homeless shelter (this is as far as Facebook would let me go) PISSES ME OFF. I had a good long conversation with this individual (30+ minutes and still wouldn't let me buy him booze) and it just infuriated me. He was just trying to get from the bus to the shelter where he called in (for a bed) some from other woman's phone. $8 dollars to sleep. $8 may be a lot (or little) to you and me. It can be a lot to me... But when a man is trying to get somewhere to lay his head, he deserves it. This man would not take a drink from me to save MY life. I hate the system and was so mad I gave him $20 *I* barely had. I have NEVER seen someone so thankful. I've bought booze, cigs, and most of all (unappreciated) food. But! My father (not God) taught me to love and to take care of those who honestly need help. I TRIED to get this man to let me buy him drinks. He seemed really cool and real. He wouldn't have it. He just wanted to get to the shelter, sleep, and try again tomorrow. Wow, what a great homeless person you may think?! Well, don't forget about the $8... I pay TAXES mother fuckers! And this man has to come up with $8 after everything?! Fuck you Mr. Big Man. That makes no sense and infuriates me. Not all homeless are homeless because they chose to be. Have a fucking heart. If you're unsure and they say they are hungry, offer to buy them food. If they decline, you win. If they accept, you're a better person and THEY win because they met someone nice enough not to be dick and write them off. That person deserves props for trying and being honest... So next time you're out... Will you help? Or will you be another "American" who takes care of "their own" just to fuck someone else over? Not everyone is as privileged as you. What will you do? I hope you make the right decision... Even if you think you were wrong.. you were right. They're in that position for a number of reasons must of us don't know or can't comprehend. Use your brain and think about what THEY need. We worry if we can buy a new couch, rugs, cigs, beers, couches, etc... What about being human and just helping someone out? You're worried about giving someone a few bucks who REALLY may need it just so you can save for your new TV? Fuck materialism. Try to take care of yourself, but make sure the people around you are alive. They're more important than your fucking new dining table with matching chairs that you will never eat on. PEOPLE make the world go around... Don't forget about them. And if you do, FUCK YOU!

Monday, August 24, 2009

i ono some subject

Went to the Saucer tonight as normal. Good times. Justin's back and that's always a plus. My apartment's parking lot is torn up as fuck so it was like a crazy maze getting through but I made it. Bill Maher is on Conan and is thoroughly enjoyable as always. Weekend ended up actually being pretty fantastic. Good times with good friends. Good shows and good movies. I'm still very surprised of those who still stay by me though we've had quite a past and didn't talk or hang out much prior to things becoming how the became. I needed this weekend and I don't think it could of possibly be any better given the many circumstances. Work was okay. Feel pretty shitty for my boss, Tom, and his family. His father in law suffered a mild heart attack Friday night and it turns out he has 2 100% blocked arteries and a 90% blocked artery. They need to do surgery but he ended up getting pneumonia and the flu over the weekend while at the hospital and so surgery is postponed and not looking well for the man. Terrible. I feel bad now exploiting my own endeavors but tonight, it's on. Me and Chris have made a bet. Who can the blow the highest on a breathalyzer... We are going to but a breathalyzer and plenty of Jaeger. It's on. I should pwn this given I can stay away. Liver... Get ready. You're gonna have to take one for the team. I love to win and I love to drink. Any pre-game suggestions? We've already made a rule we eat at the same times and basically the same thing that day. Well, at least 5 hours prior. Other than that, I don't have much to report... Except Bill Maher pwns. Goodnight.

Monday, August 17, 2009

fuck me

Blog one. Never know how to start this shit or what to say. That's why I never cared to do it before... But fuck it. Today is about what I imagined: me alone at a bar. Amusing night watching people be stupider than you could think possible. But that story has come to pass... Laughing at them was enough to remind me of my own chaotic confusion in life and what I supposed to do next. I'm emotionally and mentally confused. I thought things were mapped out but sometimes the worst things life bring out other things that basically kick you in the balls. Amongst my family, there are many other things I miss and don't feel I can let go of. Now, I'm scared to make any kind of commitment towards anything. Thankfully, time is on my side on this one. Time usually likes to fuck me in my ass without lube but I guess that's how it goes. Debating if I can really move to Missouri now... So much has happened so fast. I don't know now at all. What do I want? Where do I want go go? And who do I want there with me?... Time will reveal the answers in a short amount of time, but will it be short enough for my own sanity? We'll find out...